Melt is a series of photographs of natural forms found on the snowy ground as they appeared in transitional moments between winter and spring.
Framed in my camera with positive-negative space dichotomy in mind, these images are abstract forms created by nature in its repetitive, regenerative cycle. They are also intended to reflect our desire to animate nature and to identify shapes in the natural environment.
In the winter landscape, these random, natural forms captured my attention, almost becoming live characters, and encouraged me to look again and again at the micro-level of nature’s splendor.

Melt 021701, 2013

Melt 022101, 2009

Melt 122601, 2007

Melt 030901, 2008

Melt 080311b, 2008

Melt 031001, 2008

Melt 122701, 2008

Melt 090222b, 2009

Melt 090222, 2009

Melt 031408, 2014

Melt 122801, 2013

Melt 012802, 2011

Melt 031403, 2014

Melt 031406, 2014

Melt 011601, 2013

Melt 021601, 2013

Melt 031302, 2014