Low Tide 34, 2020

September 2023Past Forward celebrates 30 years of Photographic Center Northwest’s impact on photography and community in the Pacific Northwest.  My photograph Low Tide 34, from a series of photographs of nature scenes from Salish Sea beaches, is included in the exhibit and auction.  I graduated from the certificate program at PCNW in 1999 and have exhibited my work there several times over the years.

Past Forward is on view in the gallery on 900 12th Ave in Seattle from September 14 until October 15, 2023. 

Low Tide 34, 2020
Low Tide 34, 2020


Beauty And Destruction #1, 2023

One of my images in the series Beauty And Destruction was on view in the 2023 CoCA Members’ Show: REIMAGINED in Seattle.

In Beauty And Destruction I photographed calligraphic markings that bark beetles had left on driftwood logs on a Salish Sea beach.  The abstract beauty in these intricate engravings enthralls me, and—at the same time–is a visible sign of the destruction bark beetles cause.  The beetles inflict serious damage when they attack healthy trees. Infestations of bark beetles have been spreading rapidly to new areas due to drought and warming temperatures, in some cases leveling acres of pine forests.

Beauty And Destruction
Beauty And Destruction #1, 2023
Beauty And Destruction #5 , 2023


Koppartorp Mine, 2023

During my stay in Sweden this summer, I visited the picturesque church village of Koppartorp with its mining museum, not far from the town where I grew up.  The Koppartorp museum with its historical buildings and mineshaft is located on the site of an old copper mine that dates back to the 14th century. While thinking of the miners’ living condition a few hundred years ago depicted in the museum exhibit I descended into the illuminated mining shaft.

Koppartorp Mine, 2023